How to dress window shutters

Suitable for every room in the house (even kitchens and bathrooms), window shutters are timeless, elegant and guaranteed to give your house the wow factor.

Windows can be tricky to dress in general however and you may feel this even more if you have already invested in shutters. To help you out, we have listed below some great ways of how you can dress your window shutters.

Pair them up with curtains

Considering most people opt for one or the other, it may seem like a crazy concept to pair shutters with curtains. However, doing so can provide many benefits:

  • It helps to create a luxury look
  • The difference between the textures creates contrast which gives off a boutique vibe in your home
  • Window shutters are popular for so many reasons and by adding an extra layer with curtains, you can maximise these benefits even further. Increased privacy and security, further noise reduction and a boost to your energy efficiency are just a few of them
Custom colour shutters

Go bold with colour

If you prefer the natural look, window shutters look great as they are. Perhaps you want to make more of a feature of them? If this is the case you might want to move away from white shutters, and opt for brightly coloured shutters instead.

We offer custom colour shutters, so you can experiment with pastels, brighten up your rooms, or delve into rich jewel tones! Make your windows a feature by opting for a more colourful look.


If you’d rather leave your shutters as they are, the good news is that there are plenty of ways you can enhance their natural look. Accessories are a great way to draw people’s eyes towards the shutters and ensure they’re the focal point of the room.

  • Place glass vases and jars on your windowsill. As well as adding some colour to the room, they pick up the natural light and add texture to a room – for some great windowsill advice follow this link:
  • Purchase some indoor plants that love the sunshine. Bringing a bit of the outdoors inside has many benefits including reducing stress and helping us to concentrate. Not to mention, plants look great as well and help to add colour into the room
  • Relive all your favourite memories by adding some picture frames to your windowsills

Install window boxes

Window dressing

Now your shutters look great on the inside, what about the outside? A great way to guarantee your window dressings stand out to passers-by is to install some window boxes to the outside of your property.

Here you can plant some of your favourite colourful plants which will really help to give your home that extra special touch. As well as looking fantastic, one of the greatest things about window box plants is they’re easy to maintain because when it comes to watering them, simply open your window and you can access them from inside.

For more information about window shutters and how they can help to enhance your home, please feel free to get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to help.

UK-made shutters

Our Faux Wood shutters are made right here in the UK. They’re delivered in weeks, not months.

Since 2007

Helping our customers achieve Purely wonderful shutter designs since 2007.

Purely Quality

Shutters are an investment so we ensure the highest standards of craftsmanship and include a 10 year guarantee.

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Friendly surveyors that are local to you.

Expertly Fitted

Experienced and courteous carpenters that achieve the perfect finished install.